• Abbaye Notre-Dame de Sénanque

The History Of Abbey Notre-Dame de Sénanque

The Abbey of Sénanque was founded on the 9th of the Calends of July 1148 (23rd June) by a dozen of Cistercians monks coming from the monastery of Mazan, located in Ardèche. Our-Lady of Sénanque was the fourth Cistercian abbey founded in Provence, after Le Thoronet, Aiguebelle and Silvacane.

Le Seigneur nous demande de garder comme ligne d’horizon, ce soleil de justice qui est la Personne du Christ et de le suivre à travers ce clair-obscur de la foi, ce rayon de lumière imperceptible mais profondément présent et réel, qui nous conduit et qui nous certifie en quelque sorte que la voie de Dieu, le chemin de Dieu se situe ici et pas ailleurs.

Frère Jean-Marie - Paroles tirées de l'Homélie de la Saint Joseph du 20 mars 2023
Abbaye Notre Dame de Senanque

Community of the Abbey Notre-Dame de Sénanque

Just like during the 12th century, a community of Cistercians monks is currently living in the Abbey of Sénanque, still following the rule of Saint Benedict.

Seven times a day, the monks gather in the abbey church to pray together.

Abbaye Notre Dame de Senanque

Community of the Abbey Notre-Dame de Sénanque

Just like during the 12th century, a community of Cistercians monks is currently living in the Abbey of Sénanque, still following the rule of Saint Benedict.

Seven times a day, the monks gather in the abbey church to pray together.


Pour nous permettre de conserver le patrimoine exceptionnel de notre abbaye et soutenir notre communauté.
Vous pouvez nous aider en faisant un don en ligne. Ce don ouvre droit à une réduction d’impôt.

Vous pouvez également adresser directement votre don à l’abbaye :
Abbaye de Sénanque – Père Prieur – 84220 GORDES

Nous vous remercions par avance pour votre aide et votre générosité.

News of the Abbey

Retreats of The Abbey

We are happy to welcome you for a time of retreat at the Abbey.
The Brother Hotelier is at your disposal to organize your stay as well as possible.

Find all session dates here.

Abbaye Notre Dame de Senanque

Masses and Services of The Abbey

The Masses and Offices celebrated by the Brothers of the Abbey are open to the public. We thank you for respecting the atmosphere of recollection and prayers. Sound and video recording is not allowed.

Abbaye Notre Dame de Senanque

Masses and Services of The Abbey

The Masses and Offices celebrated by the Brothers of the Abbey are open to the public. We thank you for respecting the atmosphere of recollection and prayers. Sound and video recording is not allowed.

Visits to the Abbey Notre-Dame de Sénanque

They open their monastery at precise hours, to share the monastic and historic heritage of the Romanesque Cistercian architecture.

During the tours, the monks stay into the monastic enclosure where they keep praying; that is why they ask you to respect the atmosphere of silence and contemplation.

Have a nice visit!

The Abbey Shop

Currently the Abbey shop welcomes you from Monday to Saturday from 09:30 a.m to 7:00 p.m and Sunday from 11:00 a.m to 7:00 p.m.

Our shop welcomes the products of the Abbey of Sénanque but also the monastic products of more than fifty abbeys and monasteries.

Privileging this monastic offer means supporting the communities by allowing them to live from their work and ensuring the proper maintenance of the abbeys.

We also offer you local products selected for their quality, scents of Provence or even a large bookstore.

The Abbey Shop

Currently the Abbey shop welcomes you from Monday to Saturday from 09:30 a.m to 7:00 p.m and Sunday from 11:00 a.m to 7:00 p.m.

Our shop welcomes the products of the Abbey of Sénanque but also the monastic products of more than fifty abbeys and monasteries.

Privileging this monastic offer means supporting the communities by allowing them to live from their work and ensuring the proper maintenance of the abbeys.

We also offer you local products selected for their quality, scents of Provence or even a large bookstore.